Sunday, May 10, 2015

May 10, 2015

We are staying at Mustang Island State Park. It is located outside of Corpus Christi, Texas. It is 80 degrees outside that feels like 1020 degrees. Not that I'm complaining you understand. That is #%|~€ HOT. The wind is blowing at 30mph gusting to who knows over the speed limit of wind. Pumpkin and I are chilling in the air conditioned small van. Judy is visiting "the Anonymous travelers". It seems as the The Taj Ma Jal has broken down. The Taj cannot unhook from the truck. So although we are not chilling in a condo we are at least chilling right now. I hope this is all the bad luck for the "Anon Travelers" and it will end soon. When you are living on the road you must adapt and be happy for the experience. I think I could be more happy though in a bigger space, but then....You get it. More space more stuff. It seems as though whatever size space you are living in the tendency is to fill up that space. I can't believe how much stuff we had in our house of sticks and bricks. I started in August 2 of last year going through my/our stuff. Our goal was to put our house on the real estate market in the spring of this year. I threw out unwanted or broken items, gave away things, and sold stuff on Craig's List. I sold a BBQ that I had only used twice. I hope Leeann's mom is still enjoying it. I found that I had 8 pairs of nail clippers. I also seem to like collecting dental floss. Who knows maybe my life can be saved someday McGiver-style with dental floss. 


  1. Replies
    1. I drew the van. One of the things I wanted to do on this trip was draw more. So far nada.

    2. I wouldn't call that nada. It's nice.

  2. 8 pairs of nail clippers sounds completely reasonable

    1. At least they are small items to collect. I'm thinking about collecting something else that is small that I can multipurpose. Maybe something to make into an art piece to sell online. Any ideas?

  3. Ever heard of the port of Dallas? Good podcast about it:

  4. I don't know if I could live in such a small space. I have a lot of "stuff" I love all my gadgets and it would be hard to part with them. KY

    1. Selling your house and most of your stuff and putting everything that is left in storage is not for everyone. Maybe I will write later about what we took with us..

  5. Simple is best. Small RV is best. Mustang has been a windy place every time I've camped there.

  6. Out of the last two weeks there have been three nice days, according to our camping neighbors.

  7. I think you could really start writing articles or a book about downsizing n simplifying your seems so many people are becoming more n more overwhelmed by all their stuff....which also makes their lives more complicated!! Cheers to travelers!
